Day of Photonics Celebration 2017

  • MoU_Signing
    MoU signing between Jampot Photonics and MIT Pune.
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  • MoU_Signing_witness
    Prof. Shaligram and Prof. Kshirsagar signing MoU as witness.
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  • OpelIndia
    Mr. Gadgil from Opel India sharing his experience.
  • AshokSaraf
    Mr. Ashok Saraf discussing how Photonics should grow in India.
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  • Photonics Day Celebrations @ MIT, Pune
    Mr. Sameer Gokhale addressing students.
  • IMG_2374
    Mr. Amit Pisal explaining JP's work.
  • IMG_2405
    Mr. Ashok Saraf discussing how should grow in India.

Day of Photonics was celebrated at MIT, Pune.

Friday, 8th Sept 2017.

Day of Photonics, which is celebrated as on 21st October 1983, the General Conference of Weights and Measures adopted the value of 299,792.458 km/s for the speed of light. This year as Day of Photonics comes in between Diwali (Festival of Lights and a holiday), MIT, Jampot Photonics and IEEE Communications Society Pune chapter celebrated it on 8th September 2017. DAY OF PHOTONICS promotes “Photonics”.  The celebration was hosted by MIT, as they have recently invested in Photonics Designing tool called PhoeniX. MIT is the second institute in India who has purchased a Photonics Development tool. This shows institution’s serious approach towards the Photonics technology.


For this celebration we had illuminating lectures from Mr. Sameer Gokhale (Director and Co-Founder Jampot Photonics), Prof. A. D. Shaligram (Head of Dept. of Electronic Science, SPPU and Registrar of SPPU), Prof. Bharat Chaudhary (Head of Electronics and Communication Engineering), Mr. G. N. Gadgil (Co-Founder Opel India, Pune).

The Event was started with the MoU signing with Jampot Photonics and Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering, MIT. MoU was signed by Mr. Sameer Gokhale and Prof. Chaudhary. The signing was witnessed by Prof. Kshirsagar (Principal, MIT Pune.) and Prof. Shaligram.

Prof. Kshirsagar gave the inaugural speech. He supported Photonics and is very keen to start research in the field. He encouraged his colleagues and students for the same.

MoU signing between Jampot Photonics and MIT Pune.

MoU signing between Jampot Photonics and MIT Pune.

Prof. Shaligram and Prof. Kshirsagar signing MoU as witness.

Prof. Shaligram and Prof. Kshirsagar signing MoU as witness.

The opening lecture was given by Prof. Shaligram from SPPU. He explained advantages of Photonics over present technology, how photonic sensors work and many basic concepts regarding Photonics.

After that Prof. Chaudhary gave a brilliant lecture, providing details of Photonic Networks and his research work in the field. Both Prof. Shaligram and Prof. Chaudhary encouraged students to take up Photonics research and development as a career.

Mr. Sameer Gokhale gave a good overview of development of Photonics Industries worldwide. The photonics industry is driven mainly by SMEs who are working in a cluster form to develop the overall technology. How we could get into the main stream and generate huge business as well as technology.

Mr. Sameer Gokhale addressing students.

Mr. Sameer Gokhale addressing students.

Mr. Amit Pisal explaining JP's work.

Mr. Amit Pisal explaining JP’s work.

Mr. G. N. Gadgil shared his experience in optical components fabrication. Mr. Gadgil invited students and amateurs for developing mirror telescopes. Presently Opel India is working on heliostats for BARC. Opel India is willing to provide assistance to students for acquiring knowledge.

Mr. Gadgil from Opel India sharing his experience.

Mr. Gadgil from Opel India sharing his experience.


The panel discussion was resulted in starting number of small tasks with industry-student-institute interaction. The discussion was leaded by Mr. Ashok Saraf (Founding director of Science and Technology Park). Mr. Saraf is also a founding member of MCCIA Electronic Cluster Foundation. Mr. Saraf is a strong supporter of Photonics technology. The Electronic cluster will contain a Photonic sub group.

Mr. Ashok Saraf discussing how Photonics should grow in India.

Mr. Ashok Saraf discussing how Photonics should grow in India.

Mr. Ashok Saraf discussing how should grow in India.

Dr. Manasi explaining bio-photonics sensors.

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